Sunday, November 21, 2010


This morning I woke up and decided that I needed to actually DO something since yesterday was chock-full of vegetating. I started my morning out by going to our little gym in my apartment complex. I've only used this two or three times because I feel like I should take advantage of my 24 Hour Fit membership. Since I really wasn't in the mood to be doing anything hardcore, I figured the only way I could get myself to exercise was to do it right here.
Our gym was empty which was a nice plus. I got on the treadmill and jogged for 10 minutes and ellipticalled for 10 minutes and then left. On the bright side, the Ocean's movie was playing on TV!
Then, I took a shower, hopped on my bike, and headed to Starbucks. On my way there, I started thinking about how much I didn't want to live off of eggs, english muffins, oats, and canned foods for the next 3 days so I made a detour to the grocery store. If you're concerned for the safety aspect of me riding my little beach cruiser bike down a busy street in IV, I can reassure you, it's safe! I have my handy dandy bell that I ring to tell people to get out of my way. It's common knowledge around here that bikes have the right away, not cars, not pedestrians (we just plow right through them if they don't get the heck out of our way!). It's really not safe to be on anything BUT a bike here!
After putting my 2 bags of groceries in my basket, I realized that I wouldn't be able to get Starbucks because I didn't want to leave my groceries in my basket while I got coffee. Bummer, right? After I got home my tummy started to growl so I figured it was time to eat. (I snacked SO much yesterday that I literally wasn't hungry until noon today!)

Note to self: Homework leads to boredom, boredom leads to hunger, hunger leads to snacking, and snacking leads to more snacking!

I went to the store and bought some groceries inspired by my favorite blog PBFingers! For breakfast (lunch?) I just mixed greek yogurt with pumpkin, cinnamon and Truvia and then topped it off with some Mrs. May's Naturals for some crunch. These little babies are to die for!
Now I think it's time to be productive and outline one of my English essays :/ I have to keep on track with my 2-essays-a-week plan! Maybe I'll treat myself to a little Starbucks break halfway through. I see a soy latte in my future :P Hope you're having an amazing Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. oooh mrs mays looks so good! im gonna have to get some o dat asap! you're right, your gym is depressing...i wouldnt go either. and i knew you'd like the soy. SO. MUCH. BETTER!!
